LEIPZIG: VALENTINE’S DAY 2013 – ExpressPhotoOnline

BUZZERBOX – ExpressPhotoOnline
Treffpunkt am Leipziger Hauptbahnhof, mittlere Ebene am Gemüseshop.

Bringt gute Laune mit.
Frische Bilder direkt vom Erzeuger.

My Sweet Little Baby
My little, sweet baby; my comfort and joy
Sing lullaby, lully.
In beauty surpassing the princess of Troy
Sing lullaby, lully, sweet baby.
Lullaby, lully.
Now hush child, now sleep child, thou mama’s sweet boy
Sing lullaby, lully.
May God bless and keep thee from cruel annoy
Sing lullaby, lully, sweet baby
Lullaby lully

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